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Мы в соцсетях:

Sage TXL 4710-3 Fly Fishing Rod. 7', 10", 4wt.


Зарегистрирован 2017-01-24
Постов 17
Цена 37 000 руб.

TXL Fly Fishing Rods

Combine near weightlessness with a groundbreaking level of performance, and the result is Sage’s TXL Fly Fishing Rods. Through their exclusive Generation 5 Technology, Sage built an amazingly light fly rod, while increasing strength, smoothness and sensitivity to “line feel.” In angling terms, that means you’ll cast better, fish more effectively and enjoy yourself more. Sage is especially proud to offer a TXL Fly Fishing Rod in the revolutionary 00, or “double-ought” line weight.

Есть катушка для данного удилища SCIERRA 3/4. (Со шнуром RIO!) С ней отдам за 40 тысяч.

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Отредактировано donvito (11 ноября 2021 г. 12:23:42)